The Beatitudes – June 10, 2024

Today’s gospel text is called The Beatitudes which comes from the Latin word, beati, meaning ‘blessed’ or ‘happy.’ St. Matthew places this at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and this is the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount. Beatitude is the opening word of each statement. The Beatitudes of Our Lord praise those whose lives shine with the distinctive patterns of living that Christ has exemplified and lived: forms of living that are patterns for living as His true disciples. That is why the Catechism of the Catholic Church (no. 1716) says that, “the Beatitudes are at the heart of Jesus’ preaching.”

What is the significance of Jesus’ beatitudes and why are they so central to His teaching? The first four deal with our relationship with God and the last four deal with our relationships with others, and the fruits that are produced by the spiritual growth that we gain. The first Beatitude, “blessed are the poor in spirit” invites us to depend on God instead of material security. Thus, by depending on God we are enriched by His faithfulness, mercy and love; we gain the spiritual maturity to be merciful to others, which results in the blessing of receiving even more of God’s mercy. To ‘hunger and thirst for righteousness,’ is when we desire to live morally or to put an end to injustices that we witness. When justice flourishes, God’s righteousness reigns.

The first reading brought to evidence persecution which is listed among the beatitudes. Jesus blesses those persecuted for righteousness, assuring them of a great reward in heaven. Suffering for the faith brings eternal joy. Elijah was persecuted, and he told Ahab there would be no rain except by his word. God then sent Elijah to the Wadi Cherith, where ravens fed him and he drank from the stream. Today’s readings encourage us to trust in God like Elijah. They remind us that God provides for our needs, even in tough times. We can find comfort and strength in His care. The Beatitudes show us the way to live a blessed life. By being humble, merciful, and seeking righteousness, we align ourselves with God’s will. This brings us true joy and peace. Let us take these lessons to heart. Trusting in God’s care and following the Beatitudes will help us live faithfully. We will experience God’s blessings and share His love with others.

– Fr. Francis Abah

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