Treasure – June 21, 2024

Memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga

The story of Athaliah in today’s first reading is a moral lesson for all. For the love of power, she killed all legitimate claimants to the throne, even her grandchildren. Her heart was set on power. Conventional wisdom teaches us that wealth, power and fame are not solid foundations for one’s life. How about you? Where is your heart? Ultimately, where our treasure is, there will our hearts be…(Matt 6:21). If we are to pursue anything with all our might, it should be to attain eternal bliss with God. That alone is the wealth that matters. It is not susceptible to corruption like worldly or material things are. St. Aloysius Gonzaga, whom we celebrate today, understood this and lived by it perfectly. Generally, it’s human to love power, fame, and wealth, but we must be very careful how we acquire them. Whatever we get by violence, we may probably lose by violence.

We pray for the grace of God to continue to guide us in the way that is holy and pure and we equally ask for His mercy upon us for the many times we have failed to treasure Him above all things.

– Fr. Francis Abah SC

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