Our Common Vocation – January 22, 2021

The Gospel of Mark made use of that phrase, “to be with him,” very often (cf. Mark 2:19; 3:14; 4:36; 5:18; 14:14, 67; 15:41). Given the close association of the Gospel with the Apostle Peter, we can say that this was a heart desire of Jesus. Why not! Did you not see that he was…

Accepting Jesus – January 21, 2021

With the teamed up plans against him, Jesus left the synagogue and moved to the street to meet the common people who had need of him. And “a great number of people” followed him. These people came from the pagan nations. Can you imagine that? Jesus offered himself to his own people, the people of…

Purification – January 20, 2021

Feast of Blessed Michael Cyprain Iwene Tansi It is only in God that we can shine out in glory. The Blessed Michael Cyprain Iwene Tansi, whose feast we celebrate today, believed in that and lived it out in his life. Returning from exile, the people of Israel met a destroyed homeland and this was disheartening…

Children of Abraham – January 19, 2021

As adopted children of Abraham, the promise that was made to him is equally ours. But as we await the fulfilment of that promise, we also need to follow the trail of Abraham in his practical service to God. We must not forget his hospitality to the three strangers (cf. Gen 18), which resulted in…

Priests – January 18, 2021

We are all sinners in need of God’s grace, and this includes the priest. The Letter to the Hebrews says that a priest is one who is chosen by God to be an intermediary/emissary between God and man. He is also a man and is not shielded from human weaknesses; he is not a saint….

Bearing Witness – January 17, 2021

In the Gospel reading of today, John the Baptist pointed out Jesus to two of his disciples. At their encounter with Jesus, Jesus invited them into his inner life, they liked what they saw and then went to inform their brothers and friends. That tells us that we cannot be authentic disciples of Jesus if…

Unmerited Favour – January 16, 2021

Imagine yourself, a sinner like Levi, and Jesus broke the protocols and gave himself up on the wood of the cross just to save you. It is an unmerited favour. In response to that, Levi left everything to follow Jesus (Mark 2:14). More than that, he attracted people like him to also follow Jesus (Mark…

Plan of Life – Roger Landry

This book is meant for teens to older adults of all educational levels who aspire to spiritual growth; it’s also a great aid for parents and grandparents who need help in teaching children and young people how to grow in God. There are many Catholics who are not familiar with having a plan of life…

Perseverance – January 15, 2021

Consider the case of the paralytic in today’s gospel. The crowd formed an obstacle to him and his friends who were helping him but they persevered and got to Jesus. Of course, they got more than what they asked for; not only was he healed physically, he was also healed spiritually. If you have faith,…

Resignation to God’s Will – January 14, 2021

There are people who, though knowing that God is able to save, are yet impatient with him, and so go ahead to soil their hands by seeking other gods (see Heb 3:7-14). We must not be like them. Instead, 2 Chron 7:14 invites us thus, “If my people who are called by my name humble…

Prayer – January 13, 2021

Yesterday, we saw that Jesus has authority over all our situations. It is not possible that he does not know what you are going through at any point in time. Having been part of us, he is so familiar with our problems that he desires always to give us hope and respite. But he wants…

The Authority of Jesus – January 12, 2021

When Jesus was exercising his ministry, the people could feel authority oozing from him (Mark 1:22). That confirms his claims in Matt 28:18, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Even the evil spirit perceived it and cried out in fear (Mark 1:23-24). The people who saw him bore this…